Tuesday, 27 June 2017

The Next Step in my Blogging Dreams

Hello there!!!

So exciting things are occurring. First of all I have created a Facebook page that will work to support my blog and will also be a place where by I will post all of my writing projects including garage door blogs and any other opportunities that come my way.

Secondly I have made a bit of an investment. I have bought myself a second hand DSLR camera. Photography is already a hobby of mine. I take my Instax mini 8 with me where ever I go!!!
I'm hoping this will improve my photography skills and help me to produce better quality pictures to share with you!!!

I am also beginning the process of branding my blog. This includes the creation of a logo and hopefully a complete redesign. I'm very fortunate to know an amazing person who happens to be a very close friend, who is helping me with all of this. Hopefully I can twist his arm and get him to help me use my camera!!!

These last few weeks have been hard. A lot of things have happened that have knocked me down and I have struggled to get back up. I have been having panic attacks and just generally not feeling myself. This time has also given me a chance to reevaluate my life and what I really want to achieve. I want to do something that makes me happy and something I really enjoy. Because of this I have been putting myself out there. I have advertised my want for writing experience and opportunities on Gumtree and have been applying for I don't know how many free lance and part time blogging and content writing opportunities. I've even been going for jobs outside of Gloucestershire.

So now for a little bit of a plea!!!
Do you run a small business or charity? Do you need someone to write your blog for you or would you like to be featured on my blog? Or maybe you know someone else who would be interested in what I am offering? I would love to come and visit you and find out more. See you hard at work making your dreams come true.
If this is something that appeals to you please email me or message me via my Facebook page. All I ask is that if you are out of the Gloucestershire area you can contribute to my travel costs and maybe throw in an iced coffee!!!

This is my dream and I am working so so hard to make it come true.

Snapchat: lovehayleybeth

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Thank You For Giving Me a Kick Up the Butt

I wrote this a little while ago. I was in a pretty bad place too scared to even leave the house. The reason I didn't post it originally is because I didn't quite understand why I had written it. It was one of those moments where the words just appeared on the screen, I wasn't even aware that I was typing.
I shared these words with a close friend of mine and he made me realise that there are so many paths that I can take, just because I haven't discovered what I want to do it doesn't mean my life is over.

Since that conversation I have done a lot of thinking and dreaming and I have decided to pursue writing. I understand it is an incredibly hard scene to crack but I'm just going to give it a go.
I've also realised that there is nothing keeping me in Gloucester, so if an opportunity arises that requires me to move I am going to go for it.

So here it is. I'm not sure what it is but it is here for you to read.

I'm sat here staring in to space feeling lost in this world.
Not sure what to do or where to go.
I see people, they know what path they are on and how to get to where they are going.
I am lost.
I am confused.
I am 21 without focus.
Even my tears have no meaning.
Where did I go wrong?
What did I do?
I have no voice or no feeling.
I am numb with no sense.
Where do I go and where did I come from?
Is there meaning to this life or am I just waiting to die?

Snapchat: lovehayleybeth