Wednesday, 2 August 2017

The Story Behind The Business: Happy Daisy

Now this story behind the business post is a little different to the others I have previously done. Instead of handmade goods, this business makes food! Introducing Happy Daisy.

Happy Daisy is a local vegan food producer based here in Gloucester! The people behind Happy Daisy are vegan and here is why:
"The main reason for the vegan lifestyle is ethics.  We don't feel the short term pleasure that we get from eating certain foods is worth the value of another's life.  60 billion animals are killed every year for the sole purpose of feeding people (Its so hard to imagine a number that big, but if you killed one animal every minute, it would take you just under 150,000 years to kill 60 billion)!

Aside from the direct harm we do to the individual animals, many more are killed as a result of animal agriculture.  Up to 91% of Amazon rainforest deforestation is caused by animal agriculture, causing the extinction of over 100 plant, insect and animal species every day.
There are more greenhouse gases released from animal agriculture every year than all the worlds transport put together (18% to 13% respectively).
Finally, in order to feed those 60 billion animals every year, we need a massive amount of food.  This could easily be redirected to the 800,000,000 people current starving in the world."
Happy Daisy's aim is to provide both vegans and non-vegans a great alternative to food that contains animal products. They also want to abolish the assumption that vegans eat boring foods. They provide a great range from pasties to cakes that often surpass their non-vegan counterparts.

So what part of the business is Happy Daisy most proud about? Here is what they had to say:
"The thing we are most proud of is the reviews we are getting from customers who have tried our food.  Both vegans and non-vegans seem to be really impressed with the quality, flavours, textures and choice of food we offer."
Happy Daisy currently sells their food online and deliver to an area of 5 miles around small town Quedgeley. When possible they also set up stalls at local fairs giving more people to try their delights, but the big dream is to be able to open their own 100% vegan cafe!

If you live in the Gloucester area you can buy their food here.

Large Pasties 18.06.17

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